徐永進 簡歷













台北國際花卉博覽會 創意活動系列書寫《詩情畫意》














全省學生美展書法第一名  1973

全省國語文競賽書法第一名  1973

台閩地區青年書法比賽第一名  1973

全國青年書法比賽第一名  1974

陸光美展書法第一名  1975

第三十屆全省美展書法第一名  1976

北區六縣市書法第一名  1977

當選全省特殊優良教師  1979

當選全國優秀青年代表  1980

當選台灣師大傑出優秀學生  1982

當選新竹師院傑出校友  2003




書法個展  台北市立美術館  1989

書畫個展  台灣省立美術館  1989

書畫個展  高雄中正文化中心  1989

書畫個展  華視藝術中心  1990

古厝之美水墨個展  台北縣立文化中心  1991

談禪說佛水墨個展  台中市立文化中心  1991

山水叢林水墨個展  台北京華藝術中心  1992

台灣之美水墨個展  台北市立美術館  1993

鄉土情書畫個展  頭份極真藝術中心  1993

美麗與狂野  高雄尖特美藝術中心  1995

感官世界水墨瓷畫個展  台灣省立美術館  1996

山水裸女書畫個展  台中縣立文化中心  1998

大地動書畫個展  台南社教館  2000

現代書藝個展  新竹師院藝文中心  2001

徐永進靈之舞動書畫巡迴展  苗栗、台中、台南、桃園、雲林、嘉義等文化局、文化中心  2004

現代書藝個展  新竹社教館  2005

徐永進現代書藝展2007AT國際藝術博覽會 台北 世貿2007

有何不可  徐永進書藝展 現代書藝走入校園系列2 國立成功大學 2008

TAIWAN的故事-徐永進個展 威泰創意ORIGINO Art Space 華山創意園區 2009

無法為法 徐永進書藝展 現代書藝走入校園系列3 萬能科技大學 2009

徐永進 「舞光、光舞」畫展 上海博覽會文化中心「心樂蝶舞」靈性空間  2010

徐永進書藝個展 現代書藝走入校園系列4 台南大學文薈樓2010

徐永進個展 MOCA台北當代藝術館 2011

徐永進當代個展 里昂第三大學 法國2011




傳統與實驗書法雙年展  何創時書法館  1999.2001.2003.2005.2007.2009

國際書法文獻展  國立台灣美術館  2000

墨潮會書法展  何創時書法館  2001

新竹 師院 教授美展  台中文化局  2002

中國現代書法國際巡迴展  香港  2003

書藝魔力  台中文化局  2004

2005中國杭州首屆國際現代書法藝術展  中國美術學院  2005

台北現代書法展  中正藝廊  2006

FUN-2007台北國際現代書法展  台北市立美術館  2007

英國倫敦的LIMA品牌授權展覽 英國 2007

荼禪一味  台中佛光緣美術館2008                                         

漢字文化節-文字域 華山藝文中心 2008  

「第三屆中國北京國際文化創意產業博覽會」威泰創意 北京2008       

台灣客家百人展 中正藝廊2009

台北-杭州名家書法交流展 國父紀念館2009

首獎美展 台中縣屯區藝文中心 2009

韓國 釜山書藝BIENNALE 藝術雙年展 韓國 2009

東海岸漂流木國際藝術創作展 台灣生活美學館 2009

祈福語展 2010上海世界博覽會 台灣館 2010

中國杭州第二屆國際現代書法藝術展  中國美術學院  2010

99年度苗栗縣美術家聯展 苗栗縣政府國際文化觀光局 2010

首屆兩岸漢字藝術節 翰墨千秋 北京 2010

台北花博書藝聯展 台北花博展場2010



書畫與音樂的交會  國家劇院  1996

書畫與音樂的交會  紐約林肯中心  2000

書畫與音樂的交會  紐約新聞文化中心  2000

書畫與音樂的對話  東京、大阪、名古屋  2001

書畫與音樂的對話  台東大學  2001

書畫與音樂的對話  台灣傳統藝術中心  2002

書畫與原住民音樂的對話  台東文化局  2002

書畫與音樂的對話  宜蘭縣文化局、傳統藝術中心  2004

書畫與音樂的對話  國家圖書館、東吳大學  2004

書法展演  全球律師公會國際年會 台北101  2007

書畫與音樂的對話 亞都麗緻30周年 2009

漢字文化節-墨韻.曲境.茶香  台北中山堂 2010 

有朋自遠方來-觀光局國際美食展 台北世貿2010

茶文化體驗節 華山藝術園區2010

建國100文創 國際文創博覽會2010

苗栗國際MIAOLI標誌揮毫 苗栗縣政府2010

墨韻.曲境.茶香  台北中山堂 2010 



書法作品  國父紀念館典藏  1973

書法作品  國立歷史博物館典藏 (西湖)行草 1981

書法作品  國父紀念館典藏  1983

書法作品  國立藝術館典藏  1985

書法作品  書法對聯,歷史博物館,1987

書法作品  台北市立美術館典藏  (太史公自序節文)(隸書四屏) ,1989

書法作品  台北市立美術館典藏  (漂泊.闖盪.狂飆一組),1995

水墨作品  台北縣文化局心典藏  (山的律動),1992

瓷畫  國立台灣美術館典藏  (四仕如玉)瓷畫,1996




徐永進作品集一  1989

徐永進作品集二  1993

徐永進作品集三  1996

發現書法真相  1998

徐永進現代書藝  2001


解放書法 2007






Hsu Yung-Chin

Notable Achievements 


 1973 First Prize, National Student Calligraphy Competition

1973 First Prize, National Chinese Calligraphy Competition

1973 First Prize, Youth Calligraphy Competition

1974 First Prize, National Youth Calligraphy Competition

1975 First Prize, The Lu-Guang  Competition

1976 First Prize, 30th National Art Competition (Calligraphy)

1977 First Prize, Six Northern Counties Competition  (Calligraphy)

1979 National Award for Excellence in Teaching

1980 Taiwan Youth Achievement Award

1982 Award for Academic Excellence,  National Taiwan Normal University

2003 Distinguished Alumni Award, Hsinchu University of Education


Solo Exhibitions  


1989 Calligraphy Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum

1989 Calligraphy and Ink Painting Exhibition, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

1989 Calligraphy and Ink Painting Exhibition, Kaohsiung Zhong-Zheng Cultural Center

1990 Calligraphy and Ink Painting Exhibition, Chinese Television Art Center

1991 Old Red Brick Homes, Ink Painting Exhibition, Taipei County Cultural Center

1991 Zen and Buddha, Ink Painting, Taichung City Cultural Center

1992 The Beauty of Nature, Ink Painting Exhibition, Taipei Jin-Hau Art Center

1993 The Beauty of Taiwan, Ink Painting Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum

1993 Country Feeling, Ink Painting Exhibition, Ji-Zhen Art Center, Miao-Li County

1995 Beauty and the Wild, Ink Painting Exhibition, Jian Te Mai Art Center, Kaohsiung City

1996 The World of Senses, Ink Painting on Pottery, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

1998 The Nudes, Ink Painting and Calligraphy, Taichung City Cultural Center

2000 The Movement of the Earth, Ink Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, Tainan City

2001 Contemporary Calligraphy Exhibition, Hsinchu University of Education Art Center

2004 The Flow of Ink Painting and Calligraphy Art, National Touring Exhibition

2005 Contemporary Ink Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, Hsinchu Living Art Center

2007 Contemporary Ink painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, Art Expo, Taipei

2008 Why Not!? Ink painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan

2009 The Story of the TAIWAN LOGO,  Huashan Creative Park, Taipei

2009 Using No Way as Way, Ink Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, Vanung University

2010 Artist in Residence at Tainan University




1999 Tradition and Experimentation, Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition,  Ho-Chuang-Shi Gallery

2000 International Symposium of Words and Writing, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

2001 Ink-Trend Association, Calligraphy Exhibition, Ho-Chuang-Shi Gallery

2001 Tradition and Experimentation, Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition,  Ho-Chuang-Shi Gallery

2002 Hsinchu University of Education Professors’ Exhibition,Taichung Cultural Center

2003 Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy International Exhibition, Hong Kong

2003 Tradition and Experimentation, Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition,  Ho-Chuang-Shi Gallery

2004 The Power of Calligraphy Art, Taichung City Cultural Center

2005 International Contemporary Calligraphy Exhibition, Hang Zhou, China

2005 Tradition and Experimentation, Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition,  Ho-Chuang-Shi Gallery

2006 Taipei Contemporary Calligraphy Exhibition, Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Gallery

2007 International Contemporary Calligraphy Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum

2007 Industrial Design Exhibition, London, England

2007 Tradition and Experimentation, Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition,  Ho-Chuang-Shi Gallery

2008 Tea and Zen, Taichung Fo-Guang-Yuan Art Museum

2008 Creative Chinese Character Exhibition, Huashan Creative Park, Taipei

2008 The Third Chinese International Cultural & Creative Industry Expo, Beijing, China

2009 The Hundred Hakka Exhibition, National Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Gallery

2009 Taipei-Hang Zhou Distinguished Calligrapher Exhibition, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall

2009 Tradition and Experimentation, Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition,  Ho-Chuang-Shi Gallery

2009 First Prize Art Exhibition, Taichung Art Center

2009 Busan Calligraphy Exhibition, Busan, Korea

2009 East Coast Driftwood Art Exhibition, Taitung Living Art Center

2010 Praying Words, World Expo 2010, Shanghai, China

2010 Hang Zhou 2nd International Contemporary Calligraphy Exhibition, Hang Zhou, China





1996 Live Performance with Music, The National Theater Hall, Taipei

2000 Live Performance with Music, Linkon Center, New York, USA

2000 Live Performance with Music, Chinese Information and Culture Center, New York, USA

2001 Live Performance with Music, Tokyo, Osaka, Nogoya, Japan

2001 Live performance with music, University of Taitung, Taitung

2002 Live Performance with Music, Yilan Traditional Art Center

2002 Live Performance with Music, Taitung County Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Taitung

2004 Live Performance with Music, Yilan Traditional Art Center, Yilan

2004 Live Performance with Music, Tungwu University, Taipei

2007 International Lawyer Union, Live Performance, Taipei 101, Taipei

2009 Live Performance with Music, The Landis Hotel, Taipei

2010 Chinese Character Festival, Live Performance with Music, ZhongShan Hall, Taipei




National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei

National Museum of History, Taipei

National Taiwan Arts Education Center, Taipei

Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei

Taipei County Cultural Center, Taipei County

National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung


Teaching Position  

Lecturer, Department of Fine Arts, National Hsinchu University of Education

Lecturer, National Taiwan Normal University




Calligraphy Judge, Taiwan Student Art Competition

Calligraphy Judge, Taipei City Student Art Competition

Calligraphy and Ink Painting Judge, Taipei County Art Competition

Calligraphy Judge, University and Labor Calligraphy Competition

Art Judge, Taipei County Cultural Center




1989 Hsu Yung-Chin Collection 1

1993 Hsu Yung-Chin Collection 2

1996 Hsu Yung-Chin Collection 3

1998 Discover the Path to Calligraphy

2001 Hsu Yung-Chin’s Contemporary Calligraphy

2004 The Flow of Calligraphy

2007 Liberating Calligraphy

2010 A Soul in Ink




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